The recently updated (Aug. 8, 2024) Five Year Stellar Stock Index (FYSSI) composed of 81 stocks is below. The 5 year duration began with Jan. 1, 2019 through the end of 2023. Data increases are based on a stock's 2018 performance. Both 5 and 10 year total return numbers do not include dividend reinvestment. Dividend reinvestment can add as much as 30% to total return results.

Keep in mind that as time moves forward and the market cycles, favoring different sectors, some stocks on the list may fall below the minimum requrements of the FYSSI. However, they may qualify once again as favorable economic conditions and/or investor sentiment returns.

The stocks below have at least met the following FYSSI criteria:

100% dividend increase in 5 years (a 100% pay increase!)

100% total return in 5 years (double your money)

200% total return in 10 years (triple your money)

20 consecutive quarters of positive earnings  


AGM, a constant FYSSI in again, out again conservative stock with a great 10 year return

Stocks with a 1 or 2 quarters loss:

IPAR, 2 qtrs. 2020 (Covid)                        RICK, 1 qtr, 2020 (Covid)

SCVL, 1 qtr. 1st qtr. 2021 (Covid)              TXRH, 2nd qtr 2020 (Covid)

BYD, 1st and 2nd qtrs 2020 (Covid)        FPB, 1st qtr 2020 (Covid)

DDS, 4 qtrs. Included for the dynamite div increase and 5 yr total return. Possibly effected by Covid.

Correction: CRAI has a 111% 5 yr total return